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Border Security

America is a generous nation that has always welcomed those who wish to chase the American Dream – we also have both a history of and responsibility to protect our borders and our people. Scott knows that we need to secure our border so we can keep human traffickers, drug dealers, and violent criminals out of our country. To do this, we must overhaul our legal immigration system to simplify and expedite our legal immigration system so we can welcome those who wish to come to America safely and legally.


Addiction doesn’t care if you are Republican or Democrat. America needs to do more to help fight this crisis attacking our children, our families, and our communities. Scott lost a brother to addiction and will sponsor legislation to increase penalties for those who peddle fentanyl and other hard drugs. And will always support efforts to help make sure those battling addiction have resources available so they are not fighting alone. Scott’s first priority in Congress will be to identify and recruit Democrats and Republicans to work together to solve this crisis that has been ignored for far too long.

Standing up for Victims of Crime

Scott has long been an advocate for victims of crime and supports federal legislation to guarantee victims of crime rights equal to those accused and convicted of crimes. As far-left legislators continue to tilt the scales of justice in favor of criminals, Scott will stand up for victims.

Balanced Budget

Scott supports a Balanced Budget Amendment requiring Congress to respect taxpayers, prioritize spending, and balance a budget each year just like American families must do.

No New Taxes

Americans already pay high taxes and get a smaller return on those taxes every year. Scott will oppose any new tax because it is time for government to begin respecting those who pay taxes by requiring government to live within its means rather than continually tapping into its people for new revenue. 

Roll Back Gas Taxes

Californians pay the highest gas tax in the country, nearly thirty cents per gallon, more than any contiguous state. Gas taxes have become a sneaky way for politicians to grab more money for pet projects while making it more difficult for families to make ends meet. Scott believes it is time to roll back gas taxes and finally provide some relief from the increasing inflation and cost of goods and services.

Supporting Law Enforcement

Scott believes that law enforcement is most effective when we recruit and retain the best officers, train them effectively, and give them the tools to do their jobs. It also requires a renewed respect for those who put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe. This means that we must fund our law enforcement agencies effectively, require effective and consistent training of our officers, and stand with the men and women of law enforcement whenever they are under attack – by criminals, rioters, or politicians.

Ban Stock Trading for Members of Congress

Members of Congress should not financially benefit from information they receive from their position unavailable to all Americans. Scott supports legislation that would ban everyone in Congress from individual stock trading.

Members of Congress Must Follow The Laws They Pass

Scott believes that those in Congress should be required to follow the laws they pass. It is time to finally put an end to Congress passing laws for Americans that Members of Congress themselves do not have to follow.

No New Offshore Drilling

Scott is firmly committed to safeguarding the pristine coastlines that define our region, believing they are an invaluable part of our natural heritage. He opposes any new offshore drilling initiatives, recognizing the potential environmental risks such activities pose to marine ecosystems, coastal tourism, and local economies. Scott emphasizes the importance of preserving these natural landscapes not only for the enjoyment and well-being of current residents but also as a legacy for future generations. His stance reflects a broader commitment to responsible environmental stewardship, ensuring that the beauty and ecological richness of our coastlines remain intact for years to come.